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Best PHP Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced in 2020

If you are a PHP niche developer, we will definitely suggest you to continue further to receive a set of best PHP interview questions and answers, which can be extremely helpful for experienced developers in their near future job interviews. Hypertext Preprocessor, better known as PHP among us, is gaining milestone reputation in the arena of web development continuously for the past many years. The possibility of web development achievement with PHP’s agile and advanced system goes beyond the ordinary to carter your business requirements.

Let’s discuss the top PHP interview questions for experienced developers with their suggested answers further here for your acknowledgment. 

1.What do you mean by the scope of variables in PHP? 
In PHP, the scope of variables is a pre-defined context within which it is defined. Important to remember here is, all PHP variables have a single scope only. This available single scope will span both required and included files as well.

2.Mention the primary difference between eregi_replace() and ereg_replace().
Both the ereg_replace() and eregi_replace()functions work identical, except the ereg_replace()ignores the case distinction while matching alphabetic characters. 

3.What is the use of .htaccess file?
.htaccessor Hypertext Access file is a configuration file used by web servers based on Apache to control directory that it works under as well as the sub directories present in that directory. With the .htaccess file, we can ban or allow users with specific IP address, protect folders with a password, stop directory listings, redirect users to a different directory or page automatically, change the utilization of files with certain extensions, etc. 
4.What’s the difference between unset() and unlink()?
  • The unset()is used by developers for variable management.
  • It makes variably undefined
  • The function unlink()is used for file system handling. 
  • It can be used to delete target file content. 
5.What is cURL and how we can use it?

cURLor ‘Client for URLs’is a PHP library that helps users to make HTTP requests in PHP. It projects two products, curl,and lib curl. Developers can use cURL functions for the following operations: 
curl_init() function–Used to start a new session and revert a cURL handle. 
curl_exec($ch) function–Used to execute predefined CURL session. 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1)–Used to return page contents. 
curl_setopt($ch, option, value)–Used to set option for a cURL session, recommended by the ch parameter. 
6.What are the differences between mysqli_connect and mysqli_pconnect?
  • mysqli_connect function establishes a new connection to the database. 
  • It can be used to close a connection.
  • When mysqli_connect is used, the data base will be opened every time the page gets loaded.
  • Rather than opening a new connection, MySQL_pconnect establishes a persistent connection to the database when used. 
  • It cannotbe used to close a connection.
  • Here database doesn’t need to be connected every time when the page gets loaded. 

7. What are Traits?
The trait is a mechanism that promotes code re usability in single inheritance languages, such as PHP. It reduces few limitations of PHP as well as other single inheritance languages by offering developers the code re usability methods freely in multiple independent classes present in various class hierarchies. We can combine traits and classes to reduce complexity, avoid problems typically associated with Mixins and multiple inheritances.

     use Hello, World;
$world = new MyWorld();
echo $world->sayHello() . " " . $world->sayWorld(); //Hello World
8. What is the difference between an interface and abstract class in PHP?

  • An Interface can only have methods stubs and constants.
  • Methods present in Interface must be defined as public.
  • An interface while used to extend another Interface is not responsible for implementing methods introduced by the parent interface. 
Abstract Class
  • The abstractclass hasmembers, method stubs, constants, and defined methods. 
  • Members and methods present in Abstract class have the freedom to be defined with any visibility.
  • A concrete child must define the abstract methods while inheriting an Abstract class. 

9.What is the use of Composer in PHP?
Composer is an advance dependency manager tool used for solving fundamental issues in PHP. It has the ability to manage the dependencies that the userrequires on a differentproject basis. It can pull in all the required dependencies, libraries and help developers to manage all of them in one place.
Using the composer can solve the following problems:
  • Resolution of dependency for PHP packages 
  • To keep all packages updated
  • The solution is auto loading for PHP packages.
Our web portal Best Interview Questions offers you the most inventive set of PHP interview questions for experienced with expert suggested answers for your practice. Please pay a visit to best practice today. 


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